Sustainable baking innovation from grain to table, for nutrition that nourishes people and planet.

Bread is elemental. And our spirit of craftsmanship extends from the bread we make to stewarding the land it comes from.

Our relentless, meticulous pursuit of better food and impact on theenvironment extends from high quality, traceable ingredients, to the highest level of sustainability in our production.

Imagination infused

Imagination, it’s what separates craft from art.

At Vesta, we’re not just bakers. We’re creators. We believe that baking is a living tradition. And everyday, we reinvent Old World bread with New World passion to reinvent tradition with flair.

We take flour, add time, and infuse with ingenuity to create artistry at scale. Whether we’re setting new standards in flavour, innovation, or sustainable production, at Vesta, imagination comes standard.

Vesta. Imagination infused.

A better way to better food

What status quo? With an unbridled passion to create, we challenge ourselves to think different, to do better.

Just so we can share world-leading baked goods, proudly made in China.

Ballet Croissant

Our distinguished duo-colored Ballet Croissant not only looks unique, thanks to exclusive cutting technology which we co-innovated with the equipment manufacturer, but also tastes fantastic. We use 100% butter imported from Europe which ensures rich creamy taste and flaky mouthfeel, and our chefs developed Chinese styled filling to make it a mix of western and eastern gourmet.

Learn more about us